Google+ Secret Book Lover: Releases and Updates

Monday, 25 March 2013

Releases and Updates

Okay. This is the first time I've sat down at a computer in three days. Three. Whole. Days.
That's a new record for me, because I've been so swamped with stuff that I couldn't post. I'm sorry you guys, I'll do better next time!

So, because I missed out on two really great memes: Top 5 Sunday and Feature & Follow, I'm going to review Beautiful Creatures instead. Look out for that post soon!

Meanwhile: Twice Tempted comes out tomorrow!!!! I have been waiting for this book since June last year and have been going through some serious Vlad withdrawal. Seriously, how can you not love this?:

Anyway, my copy is pre-ordered and I'll be posting my review ay-sap (as per usual). *squeals*

Lots and lots of love,

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