It's been so long! I am so sorry for my disappearance! Life has intervened - and as a result I am now the All-Ireland Irish speaking singing champion. Now though, I'm back to the I-don't-have-a-life blogging, so my hundreds of fans (two, it's really two) can stop pining for my updates. :D
Okay, I'm going to jump right in and get to the EXCITING NEWS:
- Darynda Jones has announced the fifth installment of her Charlie Davidson series: Fifth Grave Past the Light! It's due out on July 9th, but I'm already drooling over the cover! I love the necklace. Check it out here:
- I got my first ARC! Yay me! Hailey Edwards has very kindly gifted me with a copy of her new novella A Cast of Shadows (for reviewing purposes only, of course!). I'll be uploading what I think of it as soon as physically possible, so keep an eye out for that! I think her series is amazing as it is, and I really hope you check it out. Here's a link:
- Only eleven more sleeps until Jeaniene Frost's Twice Tempted comes out! I am in the 'losing sleep' stage of book anticipation and I keep checking her blog regularly for any more excerpts, tidbits, e.t.c :)
- Nalini Singh has a new anthology out called Wild Invitation set in her Psy/Changeling world. You can get it here:
- I am really excited about Shiloh Walker's upcoming novel Wrecked! I don't usually read contemporary novels, but this one looks very intriguing. That's coming out in April. Have a look:
So yeah, that's all my exciting news. Be nice to your mothers today!

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